Monday, January 24, 2011

OMGEEEE ((Natural)) disaster

So last night i realized i had this Gi-NORMOUS zit! Knowing i had court the next day i FLiPPED out..i hate to seem like a prissy puss but i don't think anyone wants to walk around with a big red light bulb on their chin.
Luckily i re-called this tip that i learned from Cosmo or to LOOK like your wearing make-up!
Its says to put Vi-sine...yes the same vi-sine for itchy watery eyes. Just as that reduces RED EYES it also reduces  acne redness! Luckily i had a bottle in my purse whew I was a bit skeptic but after placing some on a napkin and applying on my crater i seen the redness was gone so boom just like that my fear of public o's & ah's (ewe) disappeared & i am happy to announce that Mission destroy Red mtn. was i'm on a hunt for MORE natures cures & other sorts of unusual remedies; which i'll be reporting later! Oh & btw you do need to re-apply here & there. The redness doesn't completely cease to exist.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Essential Me (make-up)

So i thought i'd share some of my OH SO NECESSARY'S when it comes to my make-up bags & the weapons concealed inside. Everyone has their MUST HAVES so i'm interested in seeing what weapons you conceal as well =]

If  i have NOTHiNG else all i need is this to waken up my face & add dimension, 
the deeper shade i add to my cheeks into my hairline 
the lighter right below my cheeks, forehead, t-zone (forehead, nose & chin) and right above just to make it natural looking nothing worse than clown cheeks

My favorite multi-tasking gloss in Strawberry Mousse 472A! Not too sticky (BF approved) UNIVERSAL for skin tones and it has a plumper so i get shiny luscious kissers for less than $5 bucks! Ummm can you say STUDENT budget APPROVED!

My #1! if nothing else i must have my mascara & my go-to mascara is Covergirl Eyelights WATERPROOF for brown eyes. The brush is so awesome, i get clump free lashes and the shimmers in the mascara add a nice little somethin-somethin. NO SMUDGES, NO FLAKES i rarely have to re-apply & for $6.99 i'm a happy camper ps. it makes for a lovely brow mascara once i've finished my lashy loo's

Awesome eyeliner. perfect for a smokey eye long lasting. What can i waterproofed when it comes to using anything other than N.Y.C. at the moment!
My pockets are screaming joyous joy on money saving.

A splash of this in the corners of my eye & voila! instant brightening & alertness (even if i'm not!)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brazilian Keratin Treatment: A Dangerous Price to Pay for Beauty

   As a natural Susy Q myself i used to dream of having my hair as long & silky straight as many Asian women.Going to such lengths as relaxers, press & curls and all falling flat, I've never been the prissy prim type so all that maintenance drives me UP THE WALL!!!
   I started to hear about these different process that were "better" than relaxers and they let me keep my curls too (we have a love/hate relationship).So alas the Brazilian Blow-out AKA Brazilian Keratin Treatment the likes of Nicole Richie and Halle Berry have raved of it but why such the  negative feedback?

   Take for example Good Morning America, Extra & ABC all claiming its hazardous effects i.e. Bloody noses, eye irritations (much like relaxers) if its SO GOOD than why are people having reactions???
Here's why!Reasearchers in Oregon tested the so-called **FORMALDEHYDE FREE** procedure and came back with a positive.Now according to labeling this is SOMEWHAT untrue except that the chemical takes on many names like METHYLENE GLYCOL & FORMALIN which if you do research on the latter it is a liquid form of formaldehyde. Shocked? You shouldn't be they do what everybody else does change names, add ingredients and dilute to make it undetected by the unknowing.

  So do you really want to spend $200+ on a treatment with false claims & possible serious health effects??
I think ill just labor over a flat iron & continue this marriage of love/hate with my shirley temples.
Besides its just as straight as the process and my curls stay exactly the same no changes at all!

                              Brazilian Keratin Treatment: A Dangerous Price to Pay for Beauty?

Monday, January 17, 2011


So tomorrow begins the dawn of another job interview!
Is it just me or are there little ants crawling all around dancing & having a NEW YEARS party in my stomache!?
I pray this year of the job searching goes better because if its ANYTHiNG like last year *SiGH* eek!
For those of you who have thee SLiGHTEST idea of attire may i suggest this:

1. BOOB mtn. will NOT get you hired!
2. A higher hemline does not mean higher hiring possibilities
3. Sir Maam & a firm handshake goes far!