Friday, January 21, 2011

The Essential Me (make-up)

So i thought i'd share some of my OH SO NECESSARY'S when it comes to my make-up bags & the weapons concealed inside. Everyone has their MUST HAVES so i'm interested in seeing what weapons you conceal as well =]

If  i have NOTHiNG else all i need is this to waken up my face & add dimension, 
the deeper shade i add to my cheeks into my hairline 
the lighter right below my cheeks, forehead, t-zone (forehead, nose & chin) and right above just to make it natural looking nothing worse than clown cheeks

My favorite multi-tasking gloss in Strawberry Mousse 472A! Not too sticky (BF approved) UNIVERSAL for skin tones and it has a plumper so i get shiny luscious kissers for less than $5 bucks! Ummm can you say STUDENT budget APPROVED!

My #1! if nothing else i must have my mascara & my go-to mascara is Covergirl Eyelights WATERPROOF for brown eyes. The brush is so awesome, i get clump free lashes and the shimmers in the mascara add a nice little somethin-somethin. NO SMUDGES, NO FLAKES i rarely have to re-apply & for $6.99 i'm a happy camper ps. it makes for a lovely brow mascara once i've finished my lashy loo's

Awesome eyeliner. perfect for a smokey eye long lasting. What can i waterproofed when it comes to using anything other than N.Y.C. at the moment!
My pockets are screaming joyous joy on money saving.

A splash of this in the corners of my eye & voila! instant brightening & alertness (even if i'm not!)