Monday, January 24, 2011

OMGEEEE ((Natural)) disaster

So last night i realized i had this Gi-NORMOUS zit! Knowing i had court the next day i FLiPPED out..i hate to seem like a prissy puss but i don't think anyone wants to walk around with a big red light bulb on their chin.
Luckily i re-called this tip that i learned from Cosmo or to LOOK like your wearing make-up!
Its says to put Vi-sine...yes the same vi-sine for itchy watery eyes. Just as that reduces RED EYES it also reduces  acne redness! Luckily i had a bottle in my purse whew I was a bit skeptic but after placing some on a napkin and applying on my crater i seen the redness was gone so boom just like that my fear of public o's & ah's (ewe) disappeared & i am happy to announce that Mission destroy Red mtn. was i'm on a hunt for MORE natures cures & other sorts of unusual remedies; which i'll be reporting later! Oh & btw you do need to re-apply here & there. The redness doesn't completely cease to exist.