Tuesday, November 22, 2011

NAiLED iT! Burberry X Randomness

So I've been itching to take a moment of silence to do same nail fancy.
i FINALLY had a moment Sunday while watching my Tivo'd SHREK-Forever After lol & came up with a Burberry design. I had done it years a go once but w/out white so i made this more true to design.
I just wish i had someone else fingers to do it on so the lines would be straighter
(i contemplated begging my bf to let me trial on his large beds haha)

The first set on top i did while at work. I was bored & just doodled & ended up with some triangles..nothing fancy.

What do you think? Have you tried nail designs on your own before?
i'd love to hear some ideas for some NEW creations :)